October 2018 Dividend Collected

Dividend Collected for 2018
Dividend payout for the month of October 2018
  • PERENNIALN181023

Dividend Collected to Date

Average Monthly Dividend (YTD): $1,385
Target Total Dividend for 2018: $16,000

October is a relatively quiet month for dividends. We are looking forward to November where bulk of the dividends payment will be made, especially from the REITs sector. 

In October, portfolio value has fallen significantly as the STI broke the 3000 points support but there was no rush for me to sell. Each day goes by as usual and in fact the amount of time I spent checking on stock prices have reduced. From a psychological perspective, the main reason I am able to detach myself from the market volatility is knowing that the stream of income from dividend will not stop even though the market conditions may not be good. Also, the money invested are money which will not be needed in the near future.

End of year bonus will be coming in December and together with the dividends in November, cash holding will increase. If there are no attractive stocks for purchase, all the money will be going into Singapore Savings Bonds.



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