Dividend Collected in 2018

Dividend Collected in 2018

Dividend/ Interest payout for the month of December 2018
  • ASTREAIVB280614
  • SPH

Dividend Collected to Date

Total Dividend for 2018: $16,517.28
Average Monthly Dividend (YTD): $1,376.44
Total Dividend Collected (Since Inception): $74,855.89

The dividend collected in 2018 has exceeded the target of $16,000. This in an increase of 12.8% as compared to the dividend collected in 2017 and averages to about $1,376.44 per month. This year I will continue to increase my portfolio size and will try to exceed the dividend collected last year. REITs will remain as my main driver for dividend income in my portfolio this year.

Recently, I came across this report from DBS which shows that SREITs have outperformed STI for past 5 years. Last year, it even manged to outperform STI at the end of year despite the market downturn. A few months ago, there was some concern that there might be a major correction in REITs due to the rising interest rate but market has shown that REIT has remain resilient during this period.


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