Portfolio Performance (July 2019)

Portfolio Return

As of 31st July 2019
Since Inception (Including Dividends)
Total Portfolio Unrealized Gain/ Loss: $48,592.62
Total Portfolio Realized Gain/ Loss: $93,546.72 
XIRR: 7.44%

Portfolio Value

Portfolio Value (excluding Cash and SSBs)

Due to the offer for 800 Super, some of the unrealized gain was realized. This also resulted in a drop in portfolio value.Total gains only managed to increase slightly for the month of July. The STI has since started to retract and is now close to the levels back in May. The market does not look so optimistic moving forward. I have started to queue for all 3 banks and is looking for chance to initiate positions in them.

InvestingNote Profile: @SingularityTruth
Facebook Page: @SingularityTruth


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