Portfolio Performance (April 2020)

Portfolio Returns

As of 30 April 2020
Since Inception (Including Dividends)
Total Portfolio Unrealized Gain: $21,522.33
Total Portfolio Realized Gain: $105,648.48
XIRR: 5.75%

Portfolio Value

Portfolio Value (excluding Cash and SSBs)

In April, my portfolio had staged a rebound back into the positive territory after crashing into unrealized lost back in March. Market remains volatile as the economy gets bleaker with the government continuously pumping money into the market. It will be a tug-of-war between the bear and bull. 

This week, the STI failed to break resistance and starts retreating downwards. It seems like opportunities may be appearing soon. Based on my observation, retail REITs are the most impacted and industrial/ logistic REITs are the least impacted so far. The retail REITs are at very attractive prices now but are expecting worst Q2 results. I still have not make up my mind on what to buy yet but I am hoping that I can do a few purchase this month.

InvestingNote Profile: @SingularityTruth
Facebook Page: @SingularityTruth


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